The RoomMate® is an electronic, wall-mounted device which offers Blind and Visually Impaired visitors bespoke audio descriptions in an accessible toilet. With each unit comes a high-visibility door sign indicating that the facility has an ADi RoomMate® installed.
How it Works
On entering the accessible toilet an audio announcement is triggered and the unit advises that a recorded description of the room is available.
If the user is visually impaired and requires the description, they are then given the instruction to wave their hand in front of the unit to activate.
The unit is delivered pre-programmed so it is ready for immediate installation. It can be re-programmed if features within the facility are altered in the future.
The unit is placed to the left or right of the door frame at mid-height and the initial announcement advises which side of the door the unit is placed and has the addition of four sonic pings after the announcement, to guide the user to it.
There are two sets of identical phrases giving a sequenced description. The first set allows the visually impaired user to form a mental picture of the room, whilst the repeated set enables the user to navigate within the room.
The volume is variable to allow for varying environmental noise factors, and if features within the facility are altered at any time in the future new instructions can be entered on-site.